L’Ïncantore is born from the meeting between two professionals: a plastic and aesthetic surgeon who has been always interested in the study of physiological mechanisms of skin ageing and a professional of aesthetics in search of a NATURAL cosmetic care to preserve the beauty of our skin.


The daily use of cosmetic products with often limited effects and the permanent research of a solution to skin ageing modifications have led these two doctors to join their professional experience and their technical and analytic qualities.

The result is represented by a real team where:

– the researcher surgeon analysing the biological processes which induce evolution of cutaneous wall, searches and identifies in the Nature the natural components extracted from plants which can correct them or modulate them.

– the professional of aesthetics, linking her meticulous analysis in the selection of components and, bringing her feminine sensorial taste, searches to answer at best requirements of our skin, which is too often attacked today by environmental factors and which is the obvious witness of natural ageing.

The team assembles meticulousness in the research of a natural cosmetic treatment to protect our skin from exogenous and endogenous factors and the selective analysis in the elaboration of a natural, functional, safe and pleasant product.

The search for substances capable of achieving this result is not limited to the identification of the active ingredients that will give rise to the formulation. An accurate and personal selection of the natural extracts is essential to obtain the expected results.

Even though each of us has its own genomic capacities to answer the cutaneous aggression, our duty is trying as much as possible to eliminate exogenous deleterious factors, in particular, components extracted from chemical synthesis or from environment in order to preserve naturally the beauty of our skin. Our skin isn’t inert. It feels and absorbs everything. We have naturally to respect it because it expresses the self-image, the one we offer to anybody.

Local care we take daily for our skin isn’t sufficient if it isn’t systematically associated with good life hygiene. 

Don’t forget that our skin is the reflection of our intestinal wall. To maintain a beautiful skin, l’Ïncantore therefore advises us to preserve our gut microbiota on a daily basis: let’s diversify and balance our diet, choose fresh and/or home products, foods rich in omega 3, take the time to eat, more specifically to chew, let us hydrate sufficiently, curb our consumption of alcohol, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, more generally drugs as much as possible, stop smoking, remove stress and environmental toxics, limit solar exposure, respect the natural circadian rhythm governing our biological clock and our sleep will be much better …

The isolated use of cosmetics is not enough to slow down the signs of age!

L’Ïncantore targets the needs of our skin according to its natural circadian rhythm. Like other organs, our skin is also concerned by what is called chronobiology. It has its own natural 24-hour rhythm.

The use of olive oil in the formulations of “l’Ïncantore” is based on its cosmetic qualities known for a very long time. The oil is produced with traditional methods from olives cultivated biologically in the south of Italy.

The research of active natural components is made in the respect of Nature and people.

About development of equitable trade, we try to give priority to a direct trading with our raw materials’ producers. These agreements allow us to have also a traceability of the quality of our raw materials, avoiding in this way intermediate stages.

Trying to make producers of raw materials live with dignity in their rights with  fair agriculture is a very important additional element for the l’Ïncantore team.

L’Ïncantore is invested in the search for the natural preservation of beauty in the utmost respect for Nature and the environment.

Most of the packaging used is recyclable helping to preserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  But without selective sorting, no recycling…! Waste sorting is one of the most climate-responsible actions we can take together today on a daily basis to preserve our environment and our health